diary rings
my fans
my wishlist
disney world

thanskgiving plans 2002-11-18 @ 9:37 p.m.

i am working on finishing my cmp5 right now. it actually is not difficult; it is time consuming. i am compiling a list of quotes, journal starters, and song lyrics for my future classroom. after i have finished each list, i need to complete a color drawing of what my classroom will look like. i am hoping to complete my assignment by twelve o'clock at the latest. i am not a good drawer, but i am allowed to label everything. tomorrow i have another large scale project to finish, but it is putting together information that i have in a binder. school is driving me crazy, but i will finish everything. next week is thanksgiving, so i will have a break. the day before thanksgiving i do not work until eight, so i plan on spending the day watching television, reading, and cuddling under the covers with the boy, venturing out only for hot chocolate.

thanksgiving dinner should be hysterical. my sister and her fiance are coming to dinner, regardless of the fact that my family does not like him. woman! and i hate tim. we can not stand to be near him. kristin is not as bad as tim, but after i have spent five minutes with her, i want to be violent. my uncle, his wife, their four children, and my grandma and grandpa are also coming. it will be a full house. if i can get away with it, andrew and i will hide and play with the children. my mother is cooking, so i know the food will be good, but i do not want to deal with my sister. michelle and i will compare our lipgloss and flirt with the red headed boy.

i skipped art this morning. instead, i got up late, i read my book, and i spent a long time looking at the disney world site. to me, disney world is hope. disney world and andrew are the definition of YEAH! i want to watch tinkerbell fly from the castle leaning back into his arms; i want to press pennies; i want to share cheesecake; i want to go on it's a small world more than once. disney world is in my future, like him.

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